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Creating Custom Pages

Create brand pages, event recaps, Collection portals, and more.

Jessica avatar
Written by Jessica
Updated over a week ago

Stockpress Custom Pages are available for admin and manager roles in the Premium account tier.

Create custom pages using your workspace Collections with various layouts such as sliders, galleries, and masonry views. Add HTML, video, and more to create one easy-to-share webpage. Whether it is a brand portal, an event recap, or a client or partner page, your content will always be up-to-date and easily accessible.

Creating a new Custom Page

To create a custom page, click the more menu item in the sidebar of your workspace.

Access Custom Pages from your sidebar

You will see a list of any custom pages created in your workspace already. Click create custom page to create a new page.

Create new Custom Page

Give your custom page a name—this will automatically populate the URL, but you can edit it at any time. Click save page to publish your page. You can now use the custom page sidebar on the right side of your screen to build your page.

Page settings

Start with the page settings. You can choose full-width or with a sidebar. A full-width page will look more like a webpage, while a page with a sidebar will display your workspace sidebar and be accessible only while logged in.

Name your Custom Page and adjust the settings

Header settings

Under header settings, you can also control your custom page header by choosing a transparent or solid option and adding a custom logo. You may want to add a different logo to your custom page depending on how it will be used, e.g., for a customer or for a specific event. A white version of your logo may also look better if you're using a full-width transparent header.


To add Collections to your custom page, expand the sections toggle. Click any of the available sections to add them to your page builder. Within each section you add, you can select Collections from your Collection modal by clicking the Select Collection button.

You'll see the following sections:

Featured: A featured Collection is one full-width Collection displayed on your custom page. It is best used with a transparent header. A featured section could promote an important Collection at the top of your custom page.

Click the Select a Collection button to select a Collection from your workspace. Then, search or browse your Collection tree to select a collection. Once you have selected a Collection, you can give it an optional title and subtitle for display on your custom page.

Select a Collection Modal
Featured Section on a Custom Page
Featured section on custom pages

Grid: A grid of Collections allows you to add multiple Collections to your custom page in a strict grid. A grid section is great for creating an even look on your page.

Click the Add Collection button to select a Collection from your workspace. Then, search or browse your Collection tree to select a Collection. Once you have selected a Collection, you can give it an optional title and subtitle for display on your custom page.

Add an optional title and sub-title to an entire grid section. Adjust the alignment to display left, center, or right. You can add as many Collections as you want to a grid section, but the max width is 4 columns.

Grid section in Custom Pages
Custom page with grid section

Masonry: A masonry Collection grid will display your selected Collections at their full height without cropping. This section can be used as an alternative or complement to a grid section.

Click the select a Collection button to select a Collection from your workspace. Then, search or browse your Collection tree to select a collection. Once you have selected a Collection, you can give it an optional title and subtitle for display on your custom page. You can add as many Collections as you want to a masonry section, and they will resize to fit on the page.

In a masonry section, you can also add an optional title and sub-title to the entire section. Adjust the alignment to display left, center, or right.

Masonry section in a Custom Page
Masonry section

Slider: A slider section will display a single Collection in a full-width slider. To add the slider, select or search for your Collection from the Collection modal.

Slider section in a Custom Page
Custom page slider section

HTML: HTML can be used to add additional text to your custom page. This is a formatted section where you can change font size, color, type, and grid columns, video and more!

HTML Section in a Cusom Page

Divider: A divider section can be used to break up the sections on your custom page. Choose a line, double line, dots, or dashes, and customize the color and thickness.

Divider in custom pages

Now you can check out your finished Custom Page!

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