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Managing your user profile

Keeping your profile up to date, helps other users in your workspace identify you.

Jessica avatar
Written by Jessica
Updated over 9 months ago

Your profile can help other users in your workspace identify you, but it's also where you can adjust your personal settings.

Managing your profile

Hover over the user icon in the bottom left and select the edit icon.

Adjust your user profile

From the Edit Profile screen, you can choose from the following tabs

  • Profile: where you can add an image, adjust your display name and email address, and adjust your timezone and display settings.

User profile tabs
  • Password: where you can reset your password.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): where you can enable 2FA.

  • Role & Teams: where you can see your user role and what Teams you belong to.

  • Share Settings: where you can set your default share settings for all of your personal share links. Share links have many configurable elements and by creating default settings, you can save time by not having to set them each time you create a share link.

Share settings

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